Scheduling The Maids Boston. When? What Time?

Scheduling The Maids Boston. When? What Time?

By In Uncategorized On May 18, 2010

Are you thinking about having regular maid service for your home or office?

Do you need help deciding how often you need service?

Wondering when you can have our team clean?

Or maybe you just need a one-time cleaning.

Check your schedule and give us a call at (617) 524-0300!

Schedule Your Cleaning Today

How Often?

We serve over 200 regular customers and roughly 80% of them have weekly or every other week regular maid service.  It is best to look at your needs and then decide for yourself.  Typically, the larger the home or office, the more often we recommend service.  Larger homes or offices tend to build up more dust on a daily basis.  Additionally, homes with pets are recommended to have the service more often due to the build up of pet hair.  Whatever you decide, below are our most popular options to help you:

  • Twice a Week
  • Weekly
  • Every other week (Every 2 weeks)
  • Every four weeks
  • Custom schedule to fit your needs

What Time During the Day?

We try to keep our employees’ hours as regular as possible.  Typically, we work from 8:30am-5:30pm daily, which means the earliest we would arrive would be between 8:45-9am and the latest we usually arrive is between 3-5pm.

Because we work in teams of four, we generally clean around 4-6 homes daily per team.  You will receive an email or phone call (whatever you prefer) the day before reminding you of your cleaning and giving you a two hour window of arrival.

We know that some customers have specific work schedules and some have children who desperately need a nap.  No matter the case, we can work out a schedule that is best for you and your family or office.

Which Day of the Week?

We can clean your home or office any day you prefer. The overwhelming majority of our customers are cleaned Monday-Friday, but we do have some on Saturdays. We will work with you to find the best possible day and then return on that same day on your regular schedule if you sign up for regular service.

Because we clean several homes a day, we occasionally have cancellations and rescheduling of appointments. In that case, we will have a few appointments available on a specific day of the week and offer a discount if you fill that spot. Check our homepage for these special offerings!